Westport Dental Practice Linlithgow
Westport Dental PracticeLinlithgow

Welcome to Westport Dental Practice
















Due to the severe weather warning , to help keep our staff and patients safe, the practice will be closed on Friday  24 January.

For advice with a dental emergency that will not wait until we reopen on Monday  please call 07709608079 and leave a message


About the Practice

Westport Dental Practice was started by Dr Robin Thompson BDS DGDP in 1998 and as.grown to now have 3 surgeries and a dedicated decontamination unit.


We are a family oriented, mixed NHS and Private Practice, and as a result can offer a full range of both simple inexpensive NHS treatments along with more complex and cosmetic options Privately.


Over the years we have developed a very friendly and happy practice to work in and hopefully this is reflected in our patients experience when attending the practice.


Our aim is to offer advice and quality care, which offers good value, in as friendly and relaxed a way as we can.


NHS patients will always be offered the most appropriate NHS treatment option, but we are happy to discuss Private options not available on the NHS and an explanation if we feel they are more appropriate than the basic NHS option.


The Private treatments we can offer include, tooth coloured fillings, tooth whitening, adult orthodontics ( tooth aligning, including Inman Aligners, Clear Aligners  ), Endodontics ( root treatments ), Porcelain and Emax Veneers, Ceramic Crowns including Crystalite and Emax, as well as tooth replacement using conventional bridgework or with Straumann Dental Implants.




Sadly, for the first time in 26 years, we have had a few patients who have been abusive and bullying towards our staff. I'm sure you will agree that this is not acceptable. Anyone who chooses to behave in this way will be removed from our list.




The Westport Dental Practice Team





We are located at:

Westport Dental Practice

261 High Street


EH49 7EP

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


Tel.      01506 842748




Or use our contact form.


Our open hours are:


Mon   9am-1pm      2-5.45pm


Tues   9am-1pm     2-5.45pm


Wed   9am-1pm      2-5.45pm


Thus  9am-1pm      2-5.45pm


Fri     9am-1pm       2-4.45pm


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